Category: Teaching Methods

  • Explain how current learning is transferable to other courses or life situations.

    Classroom Strategy Explain how current learning is transferable (or useful) to other courses or life situations. Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Engagement; Students are more likely to be engaged in their work if they know it will help them long-term. Technology or Other Required Resources None Impact for Diverse Learners and/or…

  • Provide timely & quality feedback

    Classroom Strategy Provide timely & quality feedback so that students know how they’re doing and how to improve Likely Effort Level for Educator Depends on number of students Relation to UDL Engagement; Supports students’ skill development and encourages perseverance Technology or Other Required Resources None Impact for Diverse Learners and/or Students with Accommodations Students who…

  • Provide alternative way for students to express thoughts during class discussions

    Classroom Strategy Provide alternative way for students to express thoughts during class discussions if they are uncomfortable verbalizing them. Likely Effort Level for Educator Medium Relation to UDL Action/Expression; students with the potential to make contributions to discussions but have trouble verbalizing could express those contributions another way. Technology or Other Required Resources Digital whiteboardOneNoteShared…

  • Provide choices for independent work

    Classroom Strategy Provide choices for independent work rather than requiring students to pair up. (e.g., allow students to remain independent rather than pairing.) Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Engagement; If students are anxious about working with others, they may not be able to engage with the work. Technology or Other Required…

  • Provide opportunities for students to reflect on what you’ve just taught and articulate it

    Classroom Strategy Provide opportunities for students to reflect on what you’ve just taught and articulate it (called “think-pair-share”) Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Presentation, Action/Expression, Engagement; This not only activates learning, it enables you to assess what is being grasped and how students are engaging Technology or Other Required Resources None…

  • Refrain from forcing leadership roles in group projects

    Classroom Strategy Refrain from forcing leadership roles in group projects on students who do not desire one. Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Engagement; Maximizes comfort and trust Technology or Other Required Resources None Impact for Diverse Learners and/or Students with Accommodations Students who would be anxious about the leadership role may…

  • Record class

    Classroom Strategy Record ClassNote: Do not use this if you’re teaching a course that often has sensitive discussions (e.g. sexual violence). Likely Effort Level for Educator Low once you build it into your routine. Relation to UDL Engagement; Knowing ahead of time there will be a recording made available, students can focus on the here…

  • Supply or activate background information

    Classroom Strategy Supply or activate background information especially regarding vocabulary or discipline-specific jargon. Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Engagement; Students are coming from a vast array of high school experiences; some need reminders of what they’ve learned, other never learned it Technology or Other Required Resources None Impact for Diverse Learners…

  • Face students when speaking

    Classroom Strategy Face students when speaking Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL General accessibility practice so students can best hear and understand you. Technology or Other Required Resources None Impact for Diverse Learners and/or Students with Accommodations Helpful for students who may have difficulty with accents. Critical for students who lip read.

  • Provide alternatives to cold calling

    Classroom Strategy Provide alternatives to cold-calling, such as students being able to turn in index cards with information they were too afraid to share aloud in class, or a cue (like putting their pen on their chin) to show readiness Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Engagement; Many students spend more time…