Author: burker
Face students when speaking
Classroom Strategy Face students when speaking Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL General accessibility practice so students can best hear and understand you. Technology or Other Required Resources None Impact for Diverse Learners and/or Students with Accommodations Helpful for students who may have difficulty with accents. Critical for students who lip read.
Provide alternatives to cold calling
Classroom Strategy Provide alternatives to cold-calling, such as students being able to turn in index cards with information they were too afraid to share aloud in class, or a cue (like putting their pen on their chin) to show readiness Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Engagement; Many students spend more time…
Pause after asking a question
Classroom Strategy Wait time: silently count to 10 before calling on students after you’ve asked a question. Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Engagement; This allows students to think about the question long enough to have meaningful engagement with it. Technology or Other Required Resources None Impact for Diverse Learners and/or Students…
Post powerpoints and class notes
Classroom Strategy Post ppts and class notes for all students to access Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Engagement; Promotes inclusion for students who are unable to take notes while focusing on the presented lesson at the same time. Technology or Other Required Resources PowerPoint, Word, Moodle Impact for Diverse Learners and/or…
Reduce distractions
Classroom Strategy Close doors, lower blinds, etc. to reduce distractions Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Engagement; lowering distractions helps students engage in the class. Technology or Other Required Resources None Impact for Diverse Learners and/or Students with Accommodations (See above)
Record a video-lecture providing an in-depth summary of required readings
Materials Strategy Record a video-lecture providing an in-depth summary of required readings; possibly with slides to augment what’s being said. Likely Effort Level for Educator High Relation to UDL Representation; Allows students with reading difficulties to learn the material through a video-lecture rather than reading. Technology or Other Required Resources Use Panopto and PowerPoint. Impact…
Record audio file of someone reading required readings
Materials Strategy Record audio file of someone reading required readings. Likely Effort Level for Educator Medium Relation to UDL Representation; Allows students with reading difficulties to hear the reading with a human voice. Technology or Other Required Resources Use a podcast room in the basement of Bosler Hall. Note: You could ask a student to…
Make sure digital copies of reading materials are able to be used by a screen-reader
Materials Strategy Make sure digital copies of reading materials are able to be used by a screen-reader and follow general accessibility guidelines. Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Representation; Allows students to use screen-readers and is visually easier to navigate. Technology or Other Required Resources Use the conversion tool on the Dickinson…
Provide descriptions of assignments in writing
Materials Strategy Provide descriptions of assignments in writing with essential information clearly delineated (with bullets, in bold, and underlined) Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Representation; Provides clarity of expectations, rather than having essential information buried in multiple paragraphs Technology or Other Required Resources Word Impact for Diverse Learners and/or Students with…
Provide closed captions for videos
Materials Strategy Provide closed captions for videos. Likely Effort Level for Educator Low or High (see tech column) Relation to UDL Representation; allows students to see the information along with hearing it (or not hearing it if they cannot for whatever reason) Technology or Other Required Resources PanoptoIf you have a student that ADS says…