Category: Learning Assessments
Allow online tests to be taken
Assessment Strategy Allow online tests to be taken when a student chooses Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Action & Expression, Engagement; Some students have back-to-back classes, work several jobs, or do better at certain times of the day. Technology or Other Required Resources Moodle Impact for Diverse Learners and/or Students with…
Eliminate or minimize timed tests
Assessment Strategy Eliminate or minimize timed tests or else ensue that adequate time is allotted Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Action & Expression, Engagement; Timed-tests often better reveal test-taking skills than accurately capturing aptitude. Students who feel better able to show what they know are more engaged and motivated to learn.…
Consult pedagogical resources or experts in your department
Assessment Strategy Consult pedagogical resources or experts in your department to ensure that the volume of what you’re asking students to do in their exams, quizzes, projects, assignments, etc. is manageable in the time frame given. Likely Effort Level for Educator Low Relation to UDL Engagement; It’s not uncommon for assessments to better measure test-taking…