Educational Materials

Materials StrategyLikely Effort Level for EducatorRelation to UDLTechnology or Other Required ResourcesImpact for Diverse Learners and/or Students with Accommodations
Ensure your syllabus is clear and accessible and provides all critical information needed for understanding the course goals, expectations, assessment metrics and schedule of activities and assessments for the class.LowRepresentation and Engagement; The syllabus is often the cornerstone of the course. Making it readable and easily understood is a good way to begin solid engagement.Word

How to Create Inclusive and Accessible Syllabi and Moodle Pages document and checklist
Improved capacity for understanding of expectations and due dates; Greater likelihood of students completing work on time
Provide closed captions for videos.Low or High (see tech column)Representation; allows students to see the information along with hearing it (or not hearing it if they cannot for whatever reason)Panopto

If you have a student that ADS says MUST have ADA quality captions, we can have them professionally captioned.
If you do not, Panopto will automatically create captions that are about 80% accurate. You could then choose to edit them.
While this is a necessary accommodation for some students with a hearing impairment, many students with processing impairments would likely benefit
Provide descriptions of assignments in writing with essential information clearly delineated (with bullets, in bold, and underlined)LowRepresentation; Provides clarity of expectations, rather than having essential information buried in multiple paragraphsWordEliminates the need to provide this as an accommodation for individual students
Make sure digital copies of reading materials are able to be used by a screen-reader and follow general accessibility guidelines.LowRepresentation; Allows students to use screen-readers and is visually easier to navigate.Use the conversion tool on the Dickinson College Assistive Technology Page if your file is not already accessible.
View this video for general accessibility help in Word and Moodle.
Fosters inclusion for non-native English speakers and those with reading challenges.
Eliminates the need for the accommodation of providing texts in accessible formats
Record audio file of someone reading required readings.MediumRepresentation; Allows students with reading difficulties to hear the reading with a human voice.Use a podcast room in the basement of Bosler Hall. Note: You could ask a student to record for you and give them some kind of extra credit.Same
Record a video-lecture providing an in-depth summary of required readings; possibly with slides to augment what’s being said.HighRepresentation; Allows students with reading difficulties to learn the material through a video-lecture rather than reading.Use Panopto and PowerPoint.Particularly helpful for students with traumatic brain injuries